Tic Tac Towing Inc.

Towing in Woodland, CA

  • 38612 W Kentucky Ave
    Woodland, CA 95695
  • Tel:  call now
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  • Categories:

    Towing Service, Tow Truck, Roadside Assistance, Auto Wrecker, Auto Repair Shop,

  • Service Area(s):

    Yolo County

  • Payment Methods Accepted:

    Mastercard, VISA, Cash

Towing in Woodland, CA can certainly come in handy when you find yourself in most undesirable situation with your vehicle. Tic Tac Towing Inc. can come to the rescue when you are most in need. We can get you back in your car if you have locked yourself out, and the keys in; we can tow your broke down vehicle, or simply tow a vehicle that needs to be moved. Finally, we also offer roadside assistance if you get caught in such an unpleasant situation.

We ensure that our services are dependable and affordable. We will literally travel the extra mile to aide you and the good news is we offer discounts if we have to travel long distance to get there. Towing is our business, and making sure you get the help you need, when you need it, and where you need it, is what we do.

Our reputation depends on our reliability, and that is why we offer 24 hour service for whatever your towing needs may be. Whether you want unwanted cars towed away, or your 32 foot mobile home needs towing, we can help. Make sure to always have Tic Tac Towing Inc.’s number on hand for those undesirable but often unavoidable and unexpected vehicular situations. Make sure to call Tic Tac Towing Inc. at (530) 662-7394.

More on Tic Tac Towing Inc.:

Services: Tic Tac Towing in Woodland, CA offers: * 24 Hour Service * Local and Long Distance * Towing Services * Emergency Road Service * Lock-outs * Radio Dispatched * Wreckmaster * Tow unwanted cars * Tow up to 32 foot motor homes

Tic Tac Towing Inc. can also be found on:

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