Illuminata Photo

Photographer in Madison WI

  • 5846 Tree Line Dr.
    Madison, WI 53711
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  • Service Area(s):

    Dane County

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    I primarily shoot with a medium format camera, as well as a medium format panoramic camera. Adding the panoramic camera over the past year has really increased my pleasure for my passion! In addition, I sometimes shoot with high-quality Pentax digital SLR cameras. Additional "equipment" typically means Fuji Velvia 100 for landscapes and nature shots because of the wonderful saturation and detail, and Kodak PortraNC for people shots, because of the great way this film captures skin tones. Nearly all of my film processing is performed by Burne Photo Imaging of Madison. I just can't say enough about them. They provide high-quality work and great turn-around times. Additionally, I have Burne Photo Imaging do all of my larger Lightjet printing and mounting of my photography on gatorboard. Again, the work is fantastic! And, on top of all of the fine work, everyone there is a great pleasure with which to work - excellent customer service! It's wonderful to have a group of people who do great work for you, just around the corner from my studio. For scanning, I'm using an Imacon 343, which provides very-high quality, rich scans. This is a very fine scanner, as evidenced by the prints that I'm able to produce. For my printing, I'm using an Epson professional photographic inkjet printers, Epson 4000, as well as Lightjet printers through Burne Photo Imaging. The results are great and the prints will last longer than me. So, why might all of this be important to you? Likely, all of this mild techno mumbo-jumbo comes down to this: high-quality images that you can proudly display in your home or office, or use for your printing and advertising needs. That's about all of the technical stuff on which I'll dwell, because it's not about the camera or printer - it's about the photographer and, more importantly, the photograph!

  • Payment Methods Accepted:

    Mastercard, VISA, Discover, Cash, Paypal, American Express, Check

Illuminata Photo is a small operation with big images. While we can readily capture and create large and panoramic photos to grace a home or office and to help you create a more relaxing and conducive environment, we also can capture your wedding and other events and provide you with small, intimate photos for display on your desk or for your purse or wallet.

Let me help create with you an environment and memories that are yours. On this site, you'll find examples of what I can do with a camera, and develop ideas of how I can use my skills, eyes, and tools for your benefit.

More on Illuminata Photo:

Services: Weddings Portraits Large and Panoramic Photos Bar Mitzvas Anniversaries Birthdays corporate events

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